» As I step out of my speeder, two Law & Order thugs jump out of the shadows. One of them slams the butt of his weapon against my head, and turns out my lights. When the lights come back on, they're bright and unfocused, and my head feels like it was used as a football. I try to make out the image standing in front of me, but it's impossible. All I can see is a silhouette. "Sit him down over there.", I hear a voice say...$Welcome, Mr.Murphy; you were expected. I'm afraid I've been playing a game of chess with you. I knew someone would try to stop us from purifying this sick society, and I needed the passcards and passwords to make sure that didn't happen. I ordered Knott and Slade to kill the scientists when their work on Project OVERLORD was done, and gather up the passcards. They didn't have much luck finding them. I used you as a pawn to locate the cards for me. Now that I have them, nothing can stop OVERLORD from being implemented. We've planted microchips in key officials throughout$business and government and they're under our control. They, in turn, will control the population. We'll rid society of all undesirables and purify the human race, and I'll control mankind's destiny. I'm sure you're wondering who I am, but I find it's safer to remain anonymous. Goodbye, Mr. Murphy, you're a worthy opponent, but I'm afraid this is Checkmate. Still, I won't kill you just yet...perhaps there could be a place for such a resourceful individual in my new Order...under my control, of course. I'll store you in a safe place until I decide what to do with you.$